Updated on 2024-12-22

At SupaFonts, we work hard to feature amazing fonts while respecting everyone’s copyright. All the fonts on our platform are carefully curated by us, and we make sure they comply with proper licensing, like open-source or shareware rules, before adding them to our collection.

If you believe a font on SupaFonts is using your work without permission, please let us know! Here’s what we need:

  • Tell us what’s yours: Let us know which font or work is being used without permission.
  • Show us where it is: Send us a link to the page where the font is listed.
  • How to reach you: Share your name and email so we can follow up with you.

Email this info to [email protected], and we’ll review the situation. If there’s an issue, we’ll take action to resolve it, like removing the font from our site.